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Xuzhou Wise Glassware Co., Ltd. is a glass bottle manufacturer located in the Xuan Baduan Glass Bottle Industrial Development Zone. The transportation is convenient, and roads, railways and waterways extend in all directions. Factory, carton factory. Our company has 5 fully automatic production lines, 20 artificial lines and 800,000 glass bottles of various types. There are more than 3,000 employees, including 28 senior technical staff and 15 quality inspection staff. The product quality is strictly controlled. , Layer-by-layer control, high-quality products have won the favor of domestic and foreign customers. 70% of products are exported to Japan, the United States, Russia, Canada, South Korea, Japan, Australia, Syria, Greece, Lithuania, the Philippines, Taiwan and more than 30 countries and area. Our company produces more than 5,000 varieties mainly: honey glass bottles, jam glass bottles, pickle glass bottles, soy vinegar glass bottles, sesame oil glass bottles, wine glass bottles, beverage glass bottles, canned glass bottles, fermented glass bottles, seasoning glass Bottles, fruit wine glass bottles, health wine glass bottles, fruit juice glass bottles, medicine glass bottles, coffee glass bottles, mouth glass, baby bottle glass bottles, glass candle holders, edible fungus glass bottles, handle glass, water glass and other deep processing.

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