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The ratio of capacity to body weight of glass bottle during production Release time: 2020-04-12 Visited: 1103 Times

In the process of producing glass bottles, there are often various defects (defective products), such as the capacity and the weight of the bottle body. Under normal circumstances, there is a certain proportion of the capacity and weight of the glass bottle. If it exceeds the normal proportion, there will be production difficulties and product defects. Today's information is briefly introduced, hoping to help you to some extent 。 For a product with a capacity of 100ml, a normal bottle weight of 150g is normal. Many purchasers want the thickness of the bottom of the bottle to increase the capacity of the bottle body and keep the same. The order of 200g bottle is not large, which often causes troubles to the glass bottle manufacturer, but some situations are not allowed, such as easy to come out in production The current defective product. 【1】 Stick the bottle. It is the connection of two glass bottles that causes the bottle body to be unsmooth, and the wall thickness causes the cooling not to be in place. 【2】 The bottom of the bottle caved in. Poor cooling of the bottom of glass bottle causes deformation of the bottom of the bottle. The solution of the above two kinds of defective products is to reduce the machine speed, which directly affects the production quantity. The glass bottle factory suggests that the speed of the machine should be adjusted to the best condition when producing this special product. If the purchase volume is large, the whole machine should be produced as much as possible. This is beneficial for the bottle maker to adjust the machine so that the quality of the product can be greatly improved and the production volume can be improved. This information is not only a little experience accumulated at ordinary times. I hope you like it. Manufacturer's contact number: 0516-85067350

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