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Do you know how the glass bottle is quoted? Release time: 2020-04-12 Visited: 912 Times

Glass bottle is divided into conventional bottle and special-shaped bottle. The price calculation of conventional bottle is relatively simple. Generally, the price is quoted by referring to the main value of weight. The price calculation of special-shaped bottle is rather troublesome, mainly taking the following points as the core for quotation reference:

1. Product quantity: the quantity of a purchase will also affect the price of the bottle. Glass bottle manufacturers generally have a large starting order for glass bottles, because the cost of replacement of heavy products with different materials is relatively high. If there is no inventory, it is good to calculate the cost.

2. Product weight: General conventional products, stable production output, according to the cost of raw materials, statistics of product weight unit price.

3. Product yield: first of all, we should consider its difficulty. The speed of the machine will affect the price of the bottle. In the production process, we should know more about the product process and the yield of the glass bottle. If the yield is higher, the price there will be relatively higher.

4. Mold cost. The price of the general shaped bottle needs close communication between the customer and the manufacturer, so as to avoid the customer spending too much money to make the desired product.

5. Glass bottle packaging materials: when customers purchase glass bottles, they will ask for external packaging problems, so they should calculate the unit price required for the packaging.

6. Other expenses: general cost expenses such as management expenses, logistics expenses, etc. vary according to the strength of each enterprise.

The quotation of glass bottle mainly needs to sum up more experience, understand the market situation of raw materials at the same time, offer a reasonable price and guarantee quality mentality to face every customer. The above quotation is only a simple way, only for reference of all purchasing friends

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