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Manufacturing process of glass bottle Release time: 2020-04-13 Visited: 745 Times

The glass bottle has the advantages of simple manufacturing process, free and changeable shape, high hardness, heat resistance, cleanness, easy cleaning, and can be used repeatedly. First of all, we need to design, determine and manufacture the mold. The glass bottle is made of quartz sand as the main raw material, and other auxiliary materials melt into liquid state at high temperature. Then, the essential oil bottle is injected into the mold, cooled, cut and tempered to form the glass bottle. Glass bottle generally has a rigid mark, which is also made of mold shape. According to the manufacturing method, the glass bottle can be divided into three types: manual blowing, mechanical blowing and extrusion molding.

Glass bottle production process mainly includes raw material pre-processing. The massive raw materials (quartz sand, soda ash, limestone, feldspar, etc.) are crushed to dry the wet raw materials. The iron containing raw materials are removed to ensure the quality of glass. Preparation and melting of the mixture. The glass mixture is heated at 1550 ~ 1600 ℃ in the tank furnace or tank furnace to form a uniform, bubble free liquid glass which meets the forming requirements. Put the liquid glass into the mold to make the required shape of glass products, such as flat plate, various utensils and other heat treatment. Through annealing, quenching and other processes, it can eliminate or produce the internal stress, phase separation or crystallization of the glass, and change the structural state of the glass.

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