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Why is glass bottle the safest packaging for alcoholic drinks? Release time: 2020-04-14 Visited: 853 Times

First of all, the basic raw material of the glass bottle is quartz sand, which can be verified and expressed clearly by modern science and technology. Quartz sand, also known as silica, is one of the most raw materials on the earth (the first is air, the second is water, and the third is quartz sand). Its properties are very stable and it has good corrosion resistance. It does not react with acids, such as sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, acetic acid; it does not react with strong or weak bases, such as calcium hydroxide, ammonia water; it does not react with dilute solutions of strong bases, such as sodium hydroxide; it does not react with salts, such as sodium chloride, copper sulfate, potassium nitrate, potassium dichromate, potassium permanganate, sodium acetate, sodium carbonate, sodium oxalate, etc.

Secondly, glass products have good barrier performance, which can well prevent the invasion of oxygen and other gases on the contents, and can also prevent the volatile components of the contents from volatilizing to the atmosphere.

Thirdly, glass products can be recycled (recycled) indefinitely without affecting product quality, which is another very important property of glass products. Repeated use of glass products can reduce the cost of packaging.

"Glass is recognized as the safest food packaging material in the world, which can provide the best guarantee for human food safety and healthy life."

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