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Common sense of using medical glass bottles Release time: 2020-04-15 Visited: 953 Times

With the improvement of people's quality of life, more and more families have to store some commonly used oral liquid medicines in case of emergency. For example, novel coronavirus, which has been recently proposed to inhibit the new coronavirus, has been panic buying and hoarding by the general public. Because glass has packaging characteristics that other packaging materials can't replace, oral liquid is usually stored in medical glass bottles. Now I would like to share with you some details about the use of medical glass bottles:

First of all, the date, production date and expiration time on the medical glass bottle need special attention. Check them before each use. We all know the threat to human body caused by taking expired drugs. Secondly, the unsealed drugs should be put back into the original medical glass bottles. Some drugs are stored in brown or opaque medical glass bottles. That's because this kind of medicine has the requirement of avoiding light. In this case, if these drugs are placed in other empty bottles, it will obviously break the circle of drug preservation.

Thirdly, please do not take out the desiccant and dry cotton in the medical glass bottle. Because the medicine glass bottle after opening will contact with the air, these water will affect the drying environment of the medicine.

In addition, for oral medicine glass bottles, such as syrup medicine glass bottles, the mouth should not directly contact with the mouth of the bottle, because if the special structure of bacteria: capsule, flagella, and pili grow at the mouth of the bottle, it will certainly affect the storage of drugs.

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