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Understand and understand the seam line of glass bottle Release time: 2020-04-24 Visited: 5967 Times

The so-called glass bottle suture is the line produced when the two pieces of mould are connected at the forming of the bottle.

In ancient times, there was no seam line when making glass bottles by hand. Because the workers use iron pipes to pick out the liquid glass and blow it, the liquid glass mass turns, blows, deforms, solidifies and cools in their hands and forms. At that time, there was no first mold or mouth mold for blowing bottles. The glass bottles are all different. Size is a personal skill, they are completely free to play. Therefore, the glass bottle blown in this way has no seam line. This kind of glass bottle brings different weight, shape and capacity. Many problems have arisen in shape packaging and filling. With the development of society, this kind of glass bottle is gradually eliminated, and now it can only be preserved as a handicraft until now.

Historical evolution:

In order to unify the shape and capacity of glass bottles, standardized production is realized. The glass bottle industry must adopt mould production. Molds are made of clay, stone and wood. Metal molds were invented in England in 1811. Since there is a mold, and the glass bottle after blowing must be taken out of the mold, the mold must be made into multiple flaps. So the glass bottle has a seam line (or seam line). What was the stitching like back then? How did it evolve?

1. Half seams

The simplest idea of the year: the mold is two-piece, so that the glass bottle can be formed and each glass bottle is standard. Workers can "take" the shaped glass bottle out of the mold, which is in line with industrial production.

After the initial material embryo is transferred to this mold, the workers operate the handle on both sides to close it, blow it into a bottle, then open it, and clamp the glass bottle out. The right side of Figure 2 is a picture of the two petal molding mold actually used in that year. The glass bottle produced by this kind of mold

There is a seam line at the bottom of this kind of glass bottle mold, which affects the placement of glass bottles, especially when the glass bottles are slender.

Later development added mold base. The die is made up of three parts. The bottom of the die is very small. Commonly known as small mold bottom.

The glass bottle made by this kind of mould has a deep seam at the bottom of the bottle.

3. There is also a kind of molding which is also composed of three parts. The bottom of the mold is like a high cylinder. Commonly known as high mold bottom.

This set of moulds has a high mould bottom, which is shown on the right of Figure 5. Half of the whole bottle body is a whole with the mould bottom. So its seam is in the middle of the bottle. Glass bottle made by this kind of mould

There is no seam line at the bottom of the glass bottle, but there is a circle of seam line in the middle of the bottle body, which is very ugly, especially for the bottle with label. Because the bottom of the mould is very high, which accounts for about half of the total height of the glass bottle, it is very difficult to clamp the blown hot glass bottle out, and it often damages the hot glass bottle.

The seam line (seam line) created above seems to be very simple and naive today, but it was a great progress at that time, which is the only way in the long history of bottle making. The spirit of exploration and practice of these pioneers is worthy of our admiration.

There is no seam line at the bottom of the glass bottle, but there is a circle of seam line in the middle of the bottle body, which is very ugly, especially for the bottle with label. Because the bottom of the mould is very high, which accounts for about half of the total height of the glass bottle, it is very difficult to clamp the blown hot glass bottle out, and it often damages the hot glass bottle.

The seam line (seam line) created above seems to be very simple and naive today, but it was a great progress at that time, which is the only way in the long history of bottle making. The spirit of exploration and practice of these pioneers is worthy of our admiration.

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