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Which areas are concentrated in the wholesale market of glass bottles? Release time: 2020-04-25 Visited: 7437 Times

Glass bottle packaging is very common for us, for example, pickle bottle, honey bottle, beverage bottle, bird's nest bottle, white wine bottle and so on. Most of them are packed with glass bottles. Many companies want to buy glass bottles wholesale and don't know where to start! As a glass bottle manufacturer, I'd like to talk about it here. In our domestic large-scale glass bottle wholesale market, there are eight sections of Industrial Park in Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province, Yuncheng, Shandong Province, and Yiwu District in Zhejiang Province, but the glass bottles in Yiwu District in Zhejiang Province are purchased in Shandong and Xuzhou factories in Jiangsu Province. Then we can earn the difference in the middle and sell it to consumers. We can buy a small amount of glass products in Yiwu, but we don't recommend it to customers with large demand.

The simplest and most convenient way is to go to some large-scale manufacturers for purchase. For example, Xuzhou Huicheng glass products Co., Ltd., the scale and price of this glass bottle factory are still reasonable relative to the price and quality of the same industry. If there is a large demand, it is suggested that regular manufacturers should purchase, so that they can buy cheap goods, and the quality is guaranteed. Xuzhou WiSe Glassware Co., Ltd Since the establishment of Cheng glass products Co., Ltd., consumer evaluation and public praise are quite good.


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