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Qiongyue and Guangdong provinces fought side by side for the "epidemic" pass and moved dow Release time: 2020-02-10 Visited: 470 Times

Xinhua News Agency, Haikou, February 10 (Reporter Chen Kaizi) "Attention to Haikou's new seaport, Haikou City's Guangdong Xuwen Epidemic Prevention Headquarters has advised that there is a passenger in a key epidemic area that has lifted medical observation, and took the Shuangtai 29 passenger ship to the island via the Qiongzhou Strait , Please observe and guide after disembarking. "

"Receive, register now!"

In the WeChat group, the port release information scrolls in real time. The staff responsible for recording did not dare to relax for a moment, registering one by one. This is also a busy situation at the work site where Xu Wen dispatched to Haikou's epidemic prevention team.

Erhaikou and Xuwen are the bridgeheads of the Hainan and Guangdong provinces in the Qiongzhou Strait Channel. With the coordinated deployment of a nationwide game of epidemic prevention and control across the country, the two places quickly launched a joint prevention and control mechanism: sending teams from Haikou to the north and Xu Wen to the south to move the epidemic barriers to the other's administrative area.

"Moving the border forward and setting up an epidemic prevention buffer zone is to guide people who may be at risk to carry out inspections before crossing the sea. This not only prevents passengers from wasting time and money, but also better prevents input, proliferation, and output." Haikou City Li Caihong, the head of the integrated team at Xuwen's epidemic prevention headquarters, said.

With a slam command, the two sides organized and dispatched teams composed of personnel from the health, transportation, and public security departments overnight. More than 160 staff from Haikou set up camps near Hai'an New Port, Guangdong, and set up quarantine for Qiong visitors. At the new sea port on the other side of Qiongzhou Strait, more than 90 Xu Wen staff members were stationed on a 24-hour shift to guide the Guangdong staff.

In the early days of work, "accidents" occurred from time to time: passenger routes in key epidemic areas were scattered; passengers were emotionally anxious because of fears that the ship would be suspended and segregated for observation; concealment of itinerary occurred from time to time ... Airlines are "multiple changes to one"; through the voluntary cooperation of passengers, providing phone calls, consumption records, and navigation routes, the task force can accurately identify the trajectory of passengers, and achieve information sharing and communication between the two places, avoiding loopholes such as concealment.

The Qiongyue and Guangdong provinces joined hands to start a cross-sea battle for epidemic prevention and control. The phased effect of the joint defense mechanism of the Qiongzhou Strait has already appeared. Data show that since 12:00 on January 30, the two sides of the Taiwan Strait have achieved two-way "zero input" of new cases of pneumonia.

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