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Difference between frosted glass bottle and sandblasted glass bottle Release time: 2020-02-25 Visited: 2969 Times


1.Frosting process

Frosting refers to immersing a glass bottle in a prepared acidic liquid (or applying an acid-containing paste) to etch the surface of the glass bottle with a strong acid, and at the same time ammonia hydrogen fluoride in a strong acid solution causes crystals to form on the glass surface. Therefore, if the frosting process is done well, the frosted glass surface is abnormally smooth, and the haze effect is produced by the scattering of crystals. If the surface is relatively rough, it means that the acid erodes the glass more seriously, which belongs to the immature performance of the frosted master. Or some parts still have no crystals (commonly known as no sand, or the glass has speckles) also belong to the master craftsmanship. This process technology is difficult. This process is best manifested as shiny crystals appearing on the glass surface, which is formed under a critical condition, the main reason is that ammonia hydrogen fluoride has reached the end of consumption.

2.Sandblasting process

This process is very common. It hits the surface of the glass bottle with sand particles emitted by the spray gun at high speed, so that the glass bottle forms a fine concave and convex surface, so as to achieve the effect of scattering light and making the light feel hazy. The surface of the sandblasted glass product is relatively rough. Because the glass surface is damaged, it seems that the originally transparent glass is white glass. The craft is difficult.

3. Difference

The two processes are completely different processes. Frosted glass bottles are more expensive than sandblasted glass bottles, and the effect is mainly due to user needs. Some unique glass bottles are also unsuitable for frosting. From the perspective of pursuing nobility, frosted sand should be used. The sand blasting process can generally be completed in factories, but the frosting process is not easy to really do well.

Frosted glass bottles are produced with a sandy feel and strong texture, but with limited patterns; sandblasted glass bottles are engraved with a mold and then sprayed out according to requirements. This way, whatever graphics you want can be frosted and sprayed now. The surface particle size of the sand should be more delicate.

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